What Parents Can Expect at Teen Doctor’s Appointments

Adolescence is a time of rapid physical, emotional, and social changes. One important aspect of this transition is helping teens take a more active role in their health care. Pediatricians design adolescent well-child visits to support families in this process, gradually preparing teens for independent health management. What to Expect at Adolescent & Teen Checkups…

What To Do If Your Toddler Hits Their Head

Your little one is curious! That’s great! We want toddlers to safely explore the world around them. However, as they learn to walk and use their bodies in new ways a tumble here or there can occur. While most of the time these don’t lead to major injuries, a bump on the head can be…

Toddler Bedtime Tips

Sleep is very important to your child’s health and well-being. In fact, good sleep habits start from birth. However, getting young children to sleep (and to stay asleep) is a daunting task. For many parents, bedtime with a toddler can feel like the most challenging part of the day. Toddlers often resist going to sleep,…

Helping Your Child Understand Emotions

Experiencing emotions is a natural part of life. When a young child is overwhelmed by “big feelings,” it can be challenging to know how to respond. However, using a few straightforward parenting techniques can help children learn to manage and express these emotions in a healthy and constructive way. 3 Parenting Strategies to Try Emotion…

For Boys: What to Expect During Puberty

Puberty is a transformative phase in a boy’s life, however it can be a bewildering time with many changes. For boys, it typically starts between the ages of 9 and 14 and brings changes, both physically and emotionally. Every individual experiences puberty on a unique timetable, but here’s an overview of what boys can expect…

For Girls: What to Expect During Puberty 

Puberty is an exciting, challenging, and sometimes confusing time in life. For girls, it typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 and brings many changes, both physically and emotionally. Helping your daughter learn about what’s happening to their body can help make this transition feel less overwhelming and more empowering. Here’s what you…

Can Saltwater Drops Help Shorten Colds?

As we enter cooler weather, we know we’re going to see an uptick in cold and flu symptoms. Don’t be alarmed! Colds are a common occurrence in every family, especially when it comes to kids. However, a new study brings hope for a quick, natural remedy that could help shorten the duration of colds in…

Encourage Your Kids to Get Outdoors This Fall

Now that the weather is finally starting to cool down, there’s never been a better time to get outside! Playing outside offers countless benefits for children. Research shows that outdoor play boosts health, and kids of all ages enjoy it (HealthyChildren.org) and it can be a great way to forge positive relationships with peers and…

Safe Sleep Tips For When You’re Sleep Deprived

We know getting enough sleep with a newborn around may not quite seem possible…and that’s ok! This is just another season in the journey of parenthood. However, when both you and your spouse are running on fumes, it can be easy to make a mistake or two. Here are some tips to help ensure that…

Help Stop Teen Vaping

Vaping, or the act of using an “electronic cigarette” or “e-cigarette” or “vape” has grown in popularity in recent years. These battery-powered vape devices create an aerosol that looks like water vapor but contains nicotine, flavoring, and more than 30 other chemicals. The aerosol is inhaled into the lungs where the nicotine and chemicals cross…